Juniper Gulch Trail: Bureau of Land Management, Jordan Valley, OR ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Click for the latest Jordan Valley weather forecast.

Juniper Gulch

Juniper Gulch

June 12, 2014: I have hiked this trail three times (so far). The first time in June 2014 and the last time (so far) September 2021. Every time I seem to find something new or go further. The hike is definitely longer than 1.6 miles roundtrip, as I originally thought. Using a good map, GPS or combo, you can explore for several miles.

This trail can be very easy and can be hiked by the entire family. Watch for rattlesnakes. The rock formations are some of the most beautiful I have seen. In fact, the rock formations throughout Leslie Gulch and all of the Owyhee's is some of the most magnificent I have seen. The trail is only 0.8 miles one way but can be extended to The Yellow Jacket, although I have not done that part of the hike. I extended in other directions. If you extend the hike, watch for snakes, take plenty of water, and make sure you know how to navigate.

Read more: 2014 trip and 2016 trip.

Key: Rock Formations | Kid Friendly | Views | Wildlife | Wildflowers | Desert | Oregon | BLM

Rod's Ramblings from the Trail: Wow! Just Wow! Juniper Gulch is one of the most beautiful short hikes I have ever taken: meditative beauty; sweeping winds raking grassy rolling hillsides; surreal multi-colored gulch and rock formations; and those puffy white cloud formations that splice the deep blue above us like a rich white topping on a caramel sundae.